well..i still in the mood of updating my blog..hehee..
i just got back from open apartment dr malek n dr siti (his wife)..so many people..i thought me n hirda r the 1st arrived..hahaa..hve lontong, bihun, lemang, choc cake, sagu dessert, n lots of choice daging ayam rendang, serunding, snacks~thx dr..overloaded now (^^")
as i mention b4, i just presented my proposal defense on postgraduate seminar 2010. as far as i realized, once i presented it, my methodology of research are clear enuf..the equipment n time frame all was fixed. now, i've entered phase 2..which i replant the winged bean (
Psophocarpus tetrogonobulus).
all the measurement was taking 13 month duration.n i m in month-9..4 months to go!!
the data analysis was so rough..hadnt got any detail..oh, btw..i already write 2 paper..but none of these hve publish yet..still under review..i just need it to b publish b4 dec 2010, since i hve to renew my fellowship..of coz, where i hve 2 find money to pay the car debt..sob sob
well, below are one of the slide that ive presented b4..hve a look ya!! ohh, btw..my research title hve changed already..it is:
The most effective legume plants as bio-façade for cooling of building interior in tropical climate
well, ask me anything on it..i m so passion on this matter..luv it sooooooooooo much...ahhhahaa