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Monday, January 31, 2011

arghh..aku benci org yg xda keyakinan..xda hala tuju dlm, pls, klu sapa2 yg xda keyakinan, tgk clip ni okke..cheer up!!..dont ever loose ur faith~


Monday, January 17, 2011

3 eksperimen serentak

my liltle fella, pokok kcang botor kat site desa tekun tgh sakit..huhu..she is seriously injured from the dryness..tinggi sgt temperature skang...check nk dkat 45 deg..dlm hati aku xputus2 pujuk diri sendiri..alaaa, pokok mati pun still result paa..dont worry too much..benda ni bole setel..anything is, buat apa ssh hati klu benda ni bole setel..(pujuk hatiii)..klu la benda ni xbole setel kan, still xyah la penat2 ssh hati..benda xle setel, buat apa pikiaq..muahahaha..paling kuat pun tambah thn research ja..(tudiaaa, punya la nk pujukk diri sendiri kan)

under tajuk pest n disease aku byk refer kat jab pertanian ngan mak aku..dua2 ni sgt la penting masa aku tgh mantain pokok..nk harap aku sorang2..ehmmm, harap ja amek landskap tp praktikal aku sgt la slow..huhu..

so, arini ada kwn aku ckp muka aku seriously  mcm tgh ssh hati..jarang nk nmpak aku ssh hati..cpat2 aku raba dahi aku..nk rasa kerut..ahhh, sudah..tanda muka aku nk tua la ni...muaahhaha, tadi mmg aku tgh ssh hati pun..paper in writing kena byk membaca skang dan aku xda masa, pokok aku abes kuning n lecur sbb 2 hari aku xsiram, ambient temp ADAM machine rosak..BABUC machine aku ada org lain tgh berebut nk guna padahal aku cupp dlu, LICOR machine nk running esok tp brg2 xbeli lagi (brg2 dia semuanya beratus2), dan yg paling penting aku tgh xda duit...mungkin arini aku dah xtermampu utk trus senyum spt biasa..seolah2 everything is going juz fine..fine la sgt kann..hehe, ammmmek kauu..


Thursday, January 13, 2011

atasi masalah anda

some says,
if u cant fight them, join them

but for me,
if u cant fight them, make fun of them..muahahaa (gelak jahat)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

confrence venice, italy

writing mode..tgh ligan due utk next confrence..kat venice, italy..fuhhh, minta2 la lepas..aku tau harapan sgt tipis..sbb aku bru jaconfrence kluar bandung ..nak setel ngan rcmo ngan dekan cam seram la jgak..aku pun xgtau apa2 kat dr malek..senyap ja dlu, pas2 surpriseeee!!! cpat sign bg klulusan dr~~..brangan ja la aku ni kan, dgn data yg masih kelam kelibut..analisis lagi la jauh..but its worth to try..xrugi pun..skang aku tgh plan2 ngan kak phd-mate..dua ketul ni mmg smangat abes nk siapkan paper..tgh buat bajet la, lmbat la skit nak update pun update sket sbb bosan dowhh ngadap paper..

skang mood panas skit..geram ngan data collection..masa ni la sensor rosak, msk bengkel la, komp lak bengong..aku dah la lmbat xpa, i try 2 catch up..moga dipermudahkan urusan research ni..xsabar aku nk analisis data..abeskan phd...xmau extend..pls2...ameennn

aku xsabar nk buat muka jakun kat cn...hahhaa...venezia mestre!!wait 4 me~


Thursday, January 6, 2011


sometimes i got confused on where am it architecture or biologist..( & i actually registr my research in landscape architecture under landscape technology field) far as i am a researcher, ive think a lot on future, i would like to conduct a new perspective of 'biological architecture'..well, biological architecture is actually solving the problem of architecture using the biological principles..with the biological solving matters, i hope that architecture can be sustain and reduce the damage that people used to, my research anyway..hehee..i trying to solve the global warming effect through searching the best of plants that can absorb high capacity of carbon dioxide..anyhow, i planted it on the building wall to reduce the indoor temperature..and at the same time, plant that can produce fruit which can be the benefits of bottom billions!!..byk lagi konsep bio-archi yg kita bole adapt sebenarnya.. mana tau aku jadik apprentice of biological archi kat usm nant..hikss.. i am soo passionate rite now!! jatuh cinta truusss~

me handling licor machine price up to rm200k..huhu
